Monday, August 20, 2012

The Weary Knight

The Weary Knight

The knight has fought his wars
Slain his dragons
Served his king
He fights on with a hope
A hope that one day he may find his princess

The knight has searched far and wide
But no where has he found his princess
He has looked in towns and cities
He has looked in farms and fields
But nowhere is his princess to be found

The knight grows weary of searching 
He gives up the hopeless chase
He returns his attention to his life
and forgets his dreams

The knight begins his travels alone
It is the lonely roads he seeks out
Along the way he finds a tower
Something at the top catches his eye
He notices what he has long searched for

His princess....

The knight feels hope return to him
Dreams of his princess fill his mind
He casts a rope to the top
and begins the climb

The knight climbs higher and higher
 Slipping now and then 
 he continues upward
The top is in sight
He knows his princess is close

The knight is inches away
His princess is within reach
 Stretching out his arm
He is ready to fulfill his dream
His heart is filled with happiness and love

Then ...the rope breaks

The knight falls from the tower
His descent seems to be slow
He looks up as he sees his princess
His princess is fading from sight
He wants to stop 
He wants to stay
But he cannot

The knight hits the ground
He feels pain all over
He does not want to move
He lays there.... defeated

The princess is no longer in sight
His dream has fallen out of reach again
What he most desires will not be his
With a heavy heart he departs

As the knight walks away from the tower
he looks back... vowing to return

It will not be today
It may not be tomorrow
But one day

One day

The knight will have his princess

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